Privacy Policy

BetOnValue adheres to GSH Online Media`s privacy policy and takes any legal or administrative action under its ownership. GSH Online Media (“GSH,” “we,” “us”) handles personal information about its clients and other website users (“you”). 

We take great care to address your sensitive data carefully, keep it secure, and adhere to data protection laws. We value your safety and privacy. So, we do our best to keep a safe and secure environment, while being active in online lead generation and performance marketing.

How Does The Privacy Policy Work?

This policy describes how, when, and why we might process your information and data, also known as “personal data”. In addition, it provides vital details about your legal rights. This very policy does not displace any contracts you may have with GSH or any legal rights you may be subject to regarding data protection.

We Are Responsible For Your Personal Information

GSH Online Media is the principal authority responsible for managing your personal data. The official registered address is at Street Intrarea Nestorei Nr. 1, 1st floor, Flat B, sector 4, Bucharest, Romania. 

GSH Online Media is your personal data representative within the EU, also known as the data controller. When an organisation decides how and why to process sensitive data, it is referred to as a data controller. 

Moreover, all collected data is processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which is a European law. Essentially, this indicates that your private data will be utilised exclusively for legitimate and approved objectives.

Even though we are principally in charge of safeguarding your data, you should be aware that it might be kept in databases that are accessible to other businesses. Each of those enterprises that accesses your data will do so in accordance with the rules specified in this Policy.

What Sort Of Personal Data We Process

You might be wondering what types of personal information we might process; here is a short list of some data you share with our platform each time you access it. The same data might be subject to processing:

  • Website usage;
  • Personal preferences and opinions;
  • Name;
  • E-mail;
  • Location data;
  • IP address.

Which Personal Data Do We Process, Why, and When?

Direct information collection from you occurs when you are specifically using our services or visiting our websites. We will use your personal details to:

  • Dispatch emails with promotional content about goods and services.
  • Appraise data from our own databases and systems to enhance user experience and business operations by tailoring websites to individual user preferences.
  • The advertisements you receive from us have been improved and targeted.
  • If we make a chat forum or community available, we will register you so you can publish your comments, and take part in discussion threads.
  • Fulfil or make use of any legal duties or privileges.

Your personal information will only be processed for the reasons mentioned in the above-mentioned section, and we proudly admit that:

  • If we use the data in that manner with your consent, or
  • We must utilise your personal information in a proportionate and private manner to support our business's “legitimate interests”, which include enhancing our offerings and conducting analytics across our datasets.

To Whom Do We Share Your Information?

We join forces with numerous outside parties to grow our company and provide services. These outside parties might occasionally require access to your personal data. Furthermore, as it is legally required for the purposes outlined in this policy, we are obligated to disclose your information to any member of our cluster of companies, including our branches, our ultimate holding company, and all of its subsidiaries. 

Additionally, we might also exchange aggregated data. This is information about our users that we aggregate so that it can no longer be used to identify or refer to a specific user. This includes:

  • Data that has been anonymised for regulatory compliance;
  • Market and industry analysis;
  • Profiling of demographics;
  • Advertising and marketing, among other commercial goals.

It is important to note that we may sell, transfer, or share some or all of our resources, including your information, in connection with such transactions or contemplation of such transactions (e.g., due diligence), in the event that we engage in or undertake any merger, acquisition, reorganisation, sale of assets, bankruptcy, or insolvency event.

If this occurs, we will contact you to let you know before transferring your sensitive information, at which point it will be covered by a new privacy statement. Courts, law enforcement, governmental authorities, or authorised third parties may receive access to your information, including personal data, if and to the extent that we are required or permitted to do so by law or if such disclosure is reasonably necessary:

  • To honour our duties under the law.
  • To reply to accusations made against us and to follow the legal procedure.
  • In response to inquiries about possible criminal activity, alleged or suspected illegal activity, or any other activity that might put us, you, or any other user of ours in danger of legal repercussions.

Our legitimate interests, which include safeguarding and asserting our legal rights and appropriately protecting our business from risks, are the basis for this process`s legal compliance.

Foreign Transfers

For the aims specified in this Privacy Policy, we may store, process, transfer, or otherwise deal with your information among our partner companies located in or outside of Europe in order to facilitate our global operations. Let us say we move forward with transferring your personal data outside of the EEA.

Then, we will do everything in our capabilities to guarantee that sufficient securities are in place to protect your personal information, both inside the EEA, and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Direct Marketing

Sending direct marketing communications about goods and services that we and our partners provide, such as online casinos, sports betting, and financial services, is another reason why we use your data. Targeted online adverts or emails are the ways in which communication takes place. In certain situations, our processing of your personal information for marketing will be justified by our legitimate interests. 

It will require your consent when requires by law. You have the right to decline to receive direct marketing messages at any moment. You can get in touch with us or utilise the opt-out link found in every email we send.

We take steps to limit the amount of direct marketing to a reasonable and appropriate level and only send you communications that we believe may be interesting or relevant to you based on the intelligence we have about you.

You consent to receive direct marketing from the brands of GSH Online Media when you subscribe. Email or targeted advertisements may be used to deliver marketing messages. By using the link in our email or getting in touch with us, you can opt out at any time.

For How Long Do We Store Your Personal Information?

For the reasons outlined in this policy, we will retain your data for as long as necessary. In specific situations, such as when we need to fulfil legal tax or accounting obligations, we may need to hold your personal information for a set amount of time. 

Regarding the private data we manage, we have a data retention policy. We will ensure that your personal data is securely deleted or anonymised as soon as it is no longer required.

What Rights Do You Have?

When it comes to your personal details, you have various rights. The paragraphs listed below provide further details about these rights. Send an email to [email protected] to initiate the process of exercising your rights.

Right To Access

You could request that we:

  • Verify if your personal information is being processed by us;
  • Present the data to you in copy form;
  • Give you additional details about our personal data, such as what we have, how we use it, who we disclose it to, whether we shift it outside the EU and how we protect it, how long we keep it, your rights, how to file a complaint, where we got the data from, and whether we have used any automated decision-making or profiling, to the extent that such details have not already been covered in this policy.

Right To Rectification

  • There is a possibility for you to ask us to make adjustments to your actual personal data, or do rectifications.
  • It is possible that we would conduct verifications to validate if your personal information is accurate.


You have the right to ask us to eliminate your personal information, but only under the following situations:

  • The reasons for which it was gathered are no longer necessary; or
  • In cases where processing was done with your consent, you have revoked it.
  • After successfully exercising the right to object (see “Objection” below); or
  • It has been improperly processed;
  • To honour an obligation under the law.

If the processing of your information is required, we are not obligated to abide by your request to have your personal data erased:

  • To fulfil an obligation under the law; or
  • In order to prove, prosecute, or defend legal claims;

There are some circumstances in which we are not forced to comply with your erasure request, even though these two are the most likely ones in which we would refuse that request.


You have the legal right to ask for the restriction of your data, but only in the case of:

  • To enable us to confirm its accuracy, its accuracy is disputed (see Rectification)
  • Even if the processing is illegal, you still want it removed; or
  • Although its collection is no longer required for the intended uses, we still require it to prove, prosecute, or defend legal claims; or
  • Your right to the object has been used, and the overriding grounds are being verified.

After you request a restriction, we may still use your personal information when:

  • With your permission,
  • To establish, defend, or pursue legal claims.
  • To defend the legal or natural rights of another person.


Switching your data to a completely different data controller is yet another right you are entitled to, under the following conditions:

  • The execution of a contract with you or your consent serves as the foundation for the processing; and
  • Automation is used to complete the processing.

Right To Objection

You have the right to demand a copy of or information about the security measures used when transferring personal data outside the European Union. For commercially sensitive reasons, we might obfuscate certain information contained in data transfer agreements or related documents by redacting them.

Supervisory Authority

You may lodge a complaint with the appropriate local supervisory body about how we process your personal information. We ask that any issues you may have be resolved with us before contacting your supervisory authority, even though you have that option at any time.